A collage of photos showing participants working in one of TACO's learning programs.
Our Work
Cultivating 'leaderfulness'

We provide professional consulting and coaching services for impact-conscious leaders and teams who want to use their power to ensure their good intentions align with the actual impact they are having.

What being 'leaderful' means

A model for leadership and culture

Many of today's leadership and culture models focus on symptomatic pain points by exploring employee satisfactionconfidence, and engagement.

Following the credence that ‘all models are flawed, and some are helpful’, we are offering another way to understand leadership and culture by diving deeper to explore the underlying forces of systemspowerand human behaviour.

The Ally Co's transformational impact modelThe Ally Co's transformational impact model
The Ally Co's transformational impact modelThe Ally Co's transformational impact model

Core drivers and indicators of healthy culture

Our model for exploring the impact of leadership and culture includes a core set of drivers, indicators, and competencies that we focus on in our work with impact-conscious teams.

It offers a different lens for identifying and addressing deeply rooted problems - within the intention-impact gap - where the real causes of project failures, human suffering, and meaningful change exist.

Right Use of Power

The ability to use power in a positive way to affect change.

As human beings, we regularly find ourselves in competition when it comes to getting our needs met, or our priorities to the 'top of the list'. If the stakes are high enough, things can manifest into outright conflict. Either way, the underlying dynamics and forces at play in all our interactions with each other is the phenomenon of power.

Many of us do not have the awareness, skills, tools and resources, and sometimes the willingness to navigate the complexity of the many power dynamics we find ourselves in. So, we lean on old habits and behaviours, coping strategies, and tricks/short cuts we have picked up along the way.

At The Ally Co., our with teams is aimed at helping people to gain a deeper understanding of their power - what it is, how we get it, how to use it with skill and wisdom, etc. - for the sake of meaningful connection and positive impact in our lives.

Ethical Leadership

The ability to genuinely use power, values, communication, and safety to create meaningful connection and positive impact.

Being an ethical leader in the ever-evolving world of work requires a level of awareness and skill to activate the right competencies, move people collectively, and align intention with impact.

Increasing the level of 'leaderfulness' on teams nourishes the development of values-based and inclusive workplaces. Our work is not about where someone is positioned on the organizational or team chart, but about how each individual takes responsibility for the impact they create with their power.

Conscious Communication

The ability to operationalize power and leadership through deep listening, meaningful dialogue, and purposeful direction.

Developing and maintaining open, safe, and fulfilling relationships is an essential skill for leaders who are power-aware, people-centred, and systems-conscious.

Our work aims to cultivate new levels of awareness and skill through the exploration of existing communication opportunities and the introduction of helpful tools and strategies.

Cultural Connection

The ability to meaningfully connect and align needs, values, and hopes/fears across varying levels of system (the individuals, the team, and the larger collective).

You might have heard of the “great resignation or reset”. We align more with the reframing of this movement as the “great realignment”. People have been experiencing and living through a global pandemic in their own way which has led to many of them making conscious choices to align their work with what is most meaningful to them.

Our work is aimed at (re)connecting people, both individually and collectively, to a shared set of cultural foundations (e.g., core values, purpose, vision). This work is also about connecting people with themselves and each other.

Meaningfully connected teams are more resilient, adaptive, and trusting.

Healthy Conflict

The ability to navigate conflict and tension in a way that deepens understanding, connection, and capacity.

Our work explores four types of conflict to help people cultivate the awareness, skill, and capacity to activate the benefits of healthy tension and conflict (think collaboration, innovation, adaptive capacity, and more).

Top teams throughout the world - in sports, aerospace, technology, and more - embrace tension and conflict and use them in healthy and positively impactful ways.

Prioritized Well-being

The ability to improve well-being through the setting and holding of healthy boundaries.

When people are burnt out, overwhelmed, and/or frustrated, nothing else can matter. A team’s well-being - at work, at home, or in the community - is a key indicator of the impact that their leadership and power dynamics are having on them.

Our work aims to locate the most meaningful actions that teams can take to create integrated, sustainable, and healthy habits (e.g., rituals, boundaries, non-negotiables).

Adaptive Capacity

The ability to respond to change in ways that enable people to continously create positive impact and thrive.

One of the highest levels and indicators of leaderful teams, adaptive teams face less friction and require less force when responding to change over longer periods of time. They demonstrate the awareness, skill, and willingness to respond to and shape meaningful opportunities.

Our work aims to help teams clearly articulate, challenge, and shift their thinking when it comes systems, strategies, leadership, ways of working, and more.

Questions? Thoughts? Feedback? Whatever it is, we would love to hear from you!
